Media List


List of Media in Spain. 1180 Media. 1046 Telephones. 612 Emails


Databases in Formato XLS.

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Category (Sector)
  • Assessment average (Rating) and number of reviews
  • province
  • City
  • Address
  • URL
  • Latitude
  • Length
  • URL Google Maps
  • Iframe
  • Image (URL)
  • Availability of Google Business to claim the business
  • Opening Hours
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List of Media in Spain. 1180 Media. 1046 Telephones. 612 Emails


A communication medium is an instrument or form of content by which the communication process is carried out. The term is usually used to refer to the mass media, however, other media, such as the telephone, are not massive but interpersonal. Since the media was born and developed, it has become a great source of power and social influence worldwide.

The media are instruments in permanent evolution since over the years their way of transmitting information has become quite massive and instantaneous. Most likely the first way of communicating between humans was that of the signs and signals used in prehistory, whose reflection in material culture are the different manifestations of prehistoric art. The appearance of writing is taken as a milestone at the beginning of history. From that moment on, economic and social changes promoted the birth and development of different media, from those linked to writing and its mechanization (printing press – 15th century) to audiovisual media linked to the era of electricity. (first half of the 20th century) and the information technology and telecommunications revolution (scientific-technical revolution or third industrial revolution –from the second half of the 20th century–), each of them essential for the different phases of the so-called globalization process. .

Databases in Formato XLS.

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Category (Sector)
  • Assessment average (Rating) and number of reviews
  • province
  • City
  • Address
  • URL
  • Latitude
  • Length
  • URL Google Maps
  • Iframe
  • Image (URL)
  • Availability of Google Business to claim the business
  • Opening Hours


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